国际分析哲学史学会(Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy, SSHAP)第十次年会,将于2022年7月6-8日在红足1—世足球网举行。本次年会将以线下和线上两种形式同时进行。线下会址是山西大学哲学社会学院学术报告厅,线上会议则安排在Zoom上进行。
本次年会特别邀请了来自中国社会科学院哲学研究所的邱仁宗教授、美国加州大学河滨分校的埃里克·雷克(Erich Reck)教授和英国利物浦大学的希尔班·查普曼(Siobhan Chapman)教授,担任演讲嘉宾。
往届年会上提交的论文,部分会发表在《分析哲学史杂志》(Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy)上。
(4)电子邮件的主题应该包括关键词“SSHAP submission”;
SSHAP 2022 (Shanxi): Call for Abstracts/Papers
The tenth annual conference of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy (SSHAP) will be held at School of Philosophy, Shanxi University 山西大学, 6-8 July, 2022. The format will be a hybrid of online and in-person participation. In-person sessions will be held at the Academic Hall of School of Philosophy, Shanxi University; the online sessions will be on zoom.
It is locally organized by Professor Jiang Yi 江怡教授, with the assistance of Professor Chen Changshen 陈敬坤, Professor Chen Jingkun 陈常燊, Dr. Gu Chengcheng 谷城成, and Dr. Fu Xingyuan 傅星源. The main local sponsors and supporters are the School of Philosophy and Sociology of Shanxi University 红足1—世足球网, and the Chinese Society for Analytic Philosophy 中国分析哲学专业委员会.
The conference website online:
Invited Speakers:
§ Siobhan Chapman, University of Liverpool; https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/english/staff/siobhan-chapman/
§ Erich Reck, University of California, Riverside; https://www.ucr.edu/
§ Qiu Renzong, Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; https://www.researchgate.net/institution/Chinese_Academy_of_Social_Sciences
SSHAP – Call for Papers/Abstracts
SSHAP is an international organization aimed at promoting discussion in all areas of scholarship concerning the development of philosophical logic, philosophy of language, the philosophy of mind, metaphysics, ethics and metaethics, the philosophy of science, and epistemology. We welcome scholars interested in the many ways in which the disciplines were influenced by thinkers such as Bolzano, Brentano and his school, Husserl, Frege, Russell, the Vienna Circle, Wittgenstein, Tarski, Quine and the Polish school, for instance, but also seek to promote work engaging with lesser known figures and trends, as well as connections of analytic philosophy with other traditions and practices in philosophy all over the world. We would like to invite submissions for our 2022 annual conference. Papers on all aspect of the analytic historical tradition of philosophy are welcome.
Given the development of analytic philosophy in China and Asia, more generally, we are especially interested in papers exploring this development as well as the use of analytic methods and ideas in understanding Asian philosophies, and comparative investigations of Asian and analytic philosophy.
The principal conference language is English. Presentations in other languages are welcome. In particular, we welcome presentations in Chinese, the language of the local organizing institution. Please note, however, that, given the present nature of international scholarly exchange, one might limit the accessibility of one’s research by not presenting in English or Chinese.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: February 1, 2022.
In the past, some of the papers presented at the annual conference were published in the Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy.
Submission Instructions
Authors are requested to submit a long abstract, whether or not they submit a paper as well. The abstract will be the main basis for our decisions. Please submit according to the following guidelines:
1. Long abstracts (500-1000 words) should be prepared for blind refereeing,
2. put into PDF file format, and
3. sent as an email attachment to sshap2022@163.com.
4. The subject line of the submission email should include the key-phrase “SSHAP submission”, and
5. the body text of the email message should constitute a cover page for the submission by including a) return email address, b) author’s name, c) affiliation, d) paper title, and e) short abstract (50-100 words) and f) academic rank.
Authors will be informed of decisions on their submissions by 1 April, 2022.
Time allowed for presentation is 45 minutes (including discussion).